Namespaces | Files | Functions | Variables



namespace  unifexp

This namespace contains all the classes and functions defined in the Uniform Expansion project files.

namespace  chomp

This is the top-level namespace of the CHomP library interface; most classes and functions are contained in its sub-namespaces.

namespace  chomp::homology

This is the main namespace that contains most of the CHomP library classes and functions, some of which are used in the Uniform Expansion project.


file  bitvect.h

This file contains the definition of a simple bit vector class.

file  coord.h

This file contains the definition of the class "coordinator" which coordinates series of computations.

file  graphs.h

This file contains the definition of the main procedures for the computations which use graph algorithms.

file  intvcapd.h

This file contains some definitions necessary to use intervals from the CAPD library.

file  mapcub.h

This file contains the definition of the cubic map -x^3 + 3x - a on [-4,4] without using interval arithmetic for non-rigorous computations.

file  mapcubi.h

This file contains the definition of the cubic map -x^3 + 3x - a on [-4,4] with the usage of interval arithmetic for rigorous computations.

file  mapquad.h

This file contains the definition of the quadratic map f(x)=x^2-a without using interval arithmetic for non-rigorous computations.

file  mapquadi.h

This file contains the definition of the quadratic map f(x)=x^2-a with the use of interval arithmetic for rigorous computations.

file  maptype.h

This file contains the definition of an abstract map type.

file  maptypes.h

This file contains the definition of a class which gathers all the available map types and allows to select a map class object by its name.

file  mapunim.h

This file contains the definition of the unimodal map "2|x|^gamma - a" on [-1,1] without using interval arithmetic for non-rigorous computations.

file  mapunimi.h

This file contains the definition of the unimodal map "2|x|^gamma - a" on [-1,1] with the usage of interval arithmetic for rigorous computations.

file  partcrit.h

This file contains the definition of a special partition type in which the size of the intervals close to a few images of critical points is much smaller than in other areas.

file  partderiv.h

This file contains the definition of a special partition type in which the size of the intervals on which the derivative of f is large is much smaller than in other areas.

file  partsegm.h

This file contains the definition of a segmented partition type in which each component of the complement of the critical neighborhood is divided into the same number of intervals.

file  parttype.h

This file contains the definition of an abstract partition type.

file  parttypes.h

This file contains the definition of a class which gathers all the available partition types and allows to select a partition class object by its name.

file  partunif.h

This file contains the definition of a uniform partition type in which the complement of the critical neighborhood is divided into intervals of approximately the same length.

file  rounding.h

This file contains the definition of a class for rounding operations which uses the BOOST library.

file  unifexp.cpp

This file contains the main program which processes the command-line arguments and runs the computations.

file  worker.h

This file contains the definition of the worker class whose objects process single chunks of data.


int main (int argc, char *argv[])
 The main function of the program.


const char * title
 The title of the main program.
const char * helpinfo
 The help information about the main program.
const char * helpmore
 Information on where to find more information about the program.
const int controlNumber = 42342
 The control number for network communication.

Function Documentation

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

The main function of the program.

Returns: 0 = Ok, -1 = Error, 1 = Help displayed, 2 = Wrong arguments.

Definition at line 189 of file unifexp.cpp.

References controlNumber, helpinfo, helpmore, and title.

Variable Documentation

const int controlNumber = 42342

The control number for network communication.

Change this number whenever an incompatible version of this program is created.

Definition at line 180 of file unifexp.cpp.

Referenced by main().

const char* helpinfo

The help information about the main program.

Definition at line 141 of file unifexp.cpp.

Referenced by main().

const char* helpmore
Initial value:
For more information ask the author at"

Information on where to find more information about the program.

Definition at line 175 of file unifexp.cpp.

Referenced by main().

const char* title
Initial value:
UniformExpansion, ver. 0.01, 11/14/2007. (C) 2007 by Pawel Pilarczyk.\n\
This is free software. No warranty. Consult 'license.txt' for details."

The title of the main program.

Definition at line 136 of file unifexp.cpp.

Referenced by main().