Namespaces | Functions

graphs.h File Reference

This file contains the definition of the main procedures for the computations which use graph algorithms. More...

#include "rounding.h"
#include "chomp/system/config.h"
#include "chomp/system/textfile.h"
#include "chomp/struct/digraph.h"
#include "maptype.h"
#include "parttype.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  unifexp

This namespace contains all the classes and functions defined in the Uniform Expansion project files.


template<class wType , class numType >
void unifexp::createGraph (chomp::homology::diGraph< wType > &g, const mapType< numType > &theMap, const partType< numType > &thePart, int partCount, std::vector< int > &critImages)
 Computes the images of intervals in the partition and fills in the corresponding weighted graph.
template<class numType >
void unifexp::findLambdaC (const numType &delta, const mapType< numType > &theMap, partType< numType > &thePart, int partCount, numType *lambda, numType *logC, numType *lambda0, int rigorous, int sparseGraph)
 Computes lambda, C, and lambda0 with the given partition and for the given map.
template<class numType >
void unifexp::findDeltaBisection (numType lambdaMin, numType resolution, const mapType< numType > &theMap, partType< numType > &thePart, int partCount, numType &deltaBad, numType &deltaGood, bool considerPaths, int rigorous, int sparseGraph)
 Finds a possibly small value of delta using the bisection method.

Detailed Description

This file contains the definition of the main procedures for the computations which use graph algorithms.

Pawel Pilarczyk

Definition in file graphs.h.