chomp::homology::auto_array< T > | An auto_array template that mimics selected behaviors of the std::auto_ptr template, but releases the memory with delete[], and thus should be applied to arrays |
chomp::homology::BitField | This class defines a bit field that is part of some larger array or that uses an allocated piece of memory |
chomp::homology::BitSets | This class uses bit representation to store many small sets |
chomp::homology::diGraph< wType > | This class defines a directed graph with very limited number of operations, and a few specific algorithms implemented on it, like DFS |
chomp::homology::diGraph< wType >::edgeTriple | An edge with a weight (used by the Edmonds algorithm) |
chomp::homology::diGraph< wType >::posWeight | A class for representing a positive number with negative values serving as the infinity (used in the Dijkstra algorithm) |
chomp::homology::dummyArray | A dummy array of integers that ignores all the assigned values |
chomp::homology::dummyRounding< numType > | A dummy class for rounding operations which does not actually do any rounding |
chomp::homology::FibonacciHeap< element > | This template contains the definition of a Fibonacci heap that can be used as an efficient priority queue, for example, in the Dijxtra graph algorithm |
chomp::homology::FibonacciHeap< element >::Node | The structure that holds a graph node for the graph representation of a Fibonacci heap |
chomp::homology::flatMatrix< element > | This class defines a simple data structure for a flat 2-dim square matrix whose entries are stored in a single array |
chomp::homology::flatMatrix< element >::const_row | The class that represents a constant single row of the matrix |
chomp::homology::flatMatrix< element >::row | The class that represents a single row of the matrix |
chomp::homology::local_var< varType > | Local variable guardian |
chomp::homology::multitable< element > | A container for elements placed in a table (like a vector) that is actually built of many smaller tables |
chomp::homology::SetOfBitFields | This class defines a set of bit fields of the same length which are to be stored in a contiguous piece of memory to avoid multiple memory allocation/deallocation |
chomp::homology::setunion< set1type, set2type > | A union of two hashed sets |
unifexp::bitVector | This class defines a bit vector of fixed length |
unifexp::Coordinator | An object of this class coordinates a series of computations for the Uniform Expansion program |
unifexp::mapCubic< numType > | This class defines the cubic map -x^3 + 3x - a on [-4,4] without using interval arithmetic |
unifexp::mapCubicIntv< numType > | This class defines the cubic map -x^3 + 3x - a on [-4,4] with the usage of interval arithmetic |
unifexp::mapQuadr< numType > | This class defines the quadratic map f(x)=x^2-a without using interval arithmetic |
unifexp::mapQuadrIntv< numType > | This class defines the quadratic map with the use of interval arithmetic |
unifexp::mapType< numType > | This is an abstract map type |
unifexp::mapTypes< numType > | This class gathers all the available map types and allows to select a map class object by its name |
unifexp::mapUnimodal< numType > | This class defines the unimodal map "2 |x|^gamma - a" on [-1,1] without using interval arithmetic |
unifexp::mapUnimodalIntv< numType > | This class defines the unimodal map "2 |x|^gamma - a" on [-1,1] with the usage of interval arithmetic |
unifexp::partCritical< numType > | A critical orbit based partition type |
unifexp::partDerivative< numType > | A derivative-based partition type |
unifexp::partSegmented< numType > | A segmented partition type |
unifexp::partType< numType > | An abstract partition type |
unifexp::partTypes< numType > | This class gathers all the available partition types and allows to select a partition class object by its name |
unifexp::partUniform< numType > | A uniform partition type |
unifexp::tRounding< numType > | A class for rounding operations which uses the BOOST library |
unifexp::Worker | The worker class that processes single chunks of data |