chomp/struct/autoarray.h [code] | An auto_array template that mimics selected behaviors of the std::auto_ptr template, but releases the memory with delete[], and thus should be applied to arrays |
chomp/struct/bitcount.h [code] | This file defines a very simple function for counting the number of bits in a byte or a multi-byte integer |
chomp/struct/bitfield.h [code] | This file contains the definition of a bitfield class which works an array of bits |
chomp/struct/bitsets.h [code] | This file defines a class that uses bit representation of a set to store many small sets |
chomp/struct/digraph.h [code] | This header file contains the definition of a weighted directed graph class and several algorithms on this graph, including some minimal path algorithms with rounding control to compute rigorous results |
chomp/struct/fibheap.h [code] | This file contains the definition of a Fibonacci heap optimized for good memory usage |
chomp/struct/flatmatr.h [code] | This file contains the definition of a simple matrix class which is stored in a single vector, but its elements can be accessed in the double indexing style, e.g., M[0][2] |
chomp/struct/localvar.h [code] | This file contains the definition of a template of a class whose object can define a local value of a given variable, and restores the original value upon destruction |
chomp/struct/multitab.h [code] | This file contains the definition of the container "multitable" which is essentially an automatically extendable array whose memory is allocated in small chunks which hold the elements |
chomp/struct/setunion.h [code] | This file contains the definition of the container "setunion" |
bitvect.h [code] | This file contains the definition of a simple bit vector class |
coord.h [code] | This file contains the definition of the class "coordinator" which coordinates series of computations |
graphs.h [code] | This file contains the definition of the main procedures for the computations which use graph algorithms |
intvcapd.h [code] | This file contains some definitions necessary to use intervals from the CAPD library |
mapcub.h [code] | This file contains the definition of the cubic map -x^3 + 3x - a on [-4,4] without using interval arithmetic for non-rigorous computations |
mapcubi.h [code] | This file contains the definition of the cubic map -x^3 + 3x - a on [-4,4] with the usage of interval arithmetic for rigorous computations |
mapquad.h [code] | This file contains the definition of the quadratic map f(x)=x^2-a without using interval arithmetic for non-rigorous computations |
mapquadi.h [code] | This file contains the definition of the quadratic map f(x)=x^2-a with the use of interval arithmetic for rigorous computations |
maptype.h [code] | This file contains the definition of an abstract map type |
maptypes.h [code] | This file contains the definition of a class which gathers all the available map types and allows to select a map class object by its name |
mapunim.h [code] | This file contains the definition of the unimodal map "2|x|^gamma - a" on [-1,1] without using interval arithmetic for non-rigorous computations |
mapunimi.h [code] | This file contains the definition of the unimodal map "2|x|^gamma - a" on [-1,1] with the usage of interval arithmetic for rigorous computations |
partcrit.h [code] | This file contains the definition of a special partition type in which the size of the intervals close to a few images of critical points is much smaller than in other areas |
partderiv.h [code] | This file contains the definition of a special partition type in which the size of the intervals on which the derivative of f is large is much smaller than in other areas |
partsegm.h [code] | This file contains the definition of a segmented partition type in which each component of the complement of the critical neighborhood is divided into the same number of intervals |
parttype.h [code] | This file contains the definition of an abstract partition type |
parttypes.h [code] | This file contains the definition of a class which gathers all the available partition types and allows to select a partition class object by its name |
partunif.h [code] | This file contains the definition of a uniform partition type in which the complement of the critical neighborhood is divided into intervals of approximately the same length |
rounding.h [code] | This file contains the definition of a class for rounding operations which uses the BOOST library |
unifexp.cpp [code] | This file contains the main program which processes the command-line arguments and runs the computations |
worker.h [code] | This file contains the definition of the worker class whose objects process single chunks of data |