Classes | Namespaces | Defines

rounding.h File Reference

This file contains the definition of a class for rounding operations which uses the BOOST library. More...

#include "boost/numeric/interval.hpp"
#include <utility>
#include <iostream>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  unifexp::tRounding< numType >
 A class for rounding operations which uses the BOOST library. More...


namespace  unifexp

This namespace contains all the classes and functions defined in the Uniform Expansion project files.


#define DEFOP(WHAT)
 This is an internal macro of the class template "tRounding" which defines arithmetic operations using the operations available in the BOOST library.

Detailed Description

This file contains the definition of a class for rounding operations which uses the BOOST library.

Pawel Pilarczyk

Definition in file rounding.h.

Define Documentation

#define DEFOP (   WHAT )
static inline numType WHAT (const numType &x, const numType &y) \
        { \
                numType result = Rounding. WHAT (x, y); \
                Rounding. to_nearest (); \
                return result; \

This is an internal macro of the class template "tRounding" which defines arithmetic operations using the operations available in the BOOST library.

Definition at line 58 of file rounding.h.