File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
awdiag2d.h [code]A generic procedure for the Alexander-Whithey diagonal computation for 2-dimensional homology generators
awdiagcub.cpp [code]A program for the computation of the Alexander-Whitney diagonal for cubical complexes, using Serre's formula
awdiagcubs.cpp [code]A program for the computation of the Alexander-Whitney diagonal for cubical complexes, using simplicial subdivision
awdiagsim.cpp [code]A program for the computation of the Alexander-Whitney diagonal for simplicial complexes
comphom.h [code]A generic procedure for the computation of chain contraction of a filtered cell complex stored in a file
homcub.cpp [code]A program for the cubical homology computation
homsim.cpp [code]A program for the simplicial homology computation
mainpage.h [code]The main page for the source code documentation
chaincon/awdiag.h [code]Alexander-Whitney diagonal of a chain
chaincon/awdiagcub.h [code]A cubical version of the Alexander-Whitney diagonal
chaincon/awdiagcubs.h [code]A cubical version of the Alexander-Whitney diagonal, based on simplicial subdivision of cubical cells
chaincon/awdiagsim.h [code]A simplicial version of the Alexander-Whitney diagonal
chaincon/combchain.h [code]A combinatorial chain, that is, a chain with Z_2 coefficients
chaincon/comblinmap.h [code]A combinatorial linear map (for coefficients in Z_2)
chaincon/combtensor.h [code]A combinatorial tensor (for coefficients in Z_2)
chaincon/cubcell.h [code]A cubical cell
chaincon/emptycell.h [code]The decision on whether the empty cell should be used as a valid cell of dimension -1
chaincon/filtcomplex.h [code]A filtered cell complex
chaincon/homgvf.h [code]Homology gradient vector field computation: An interface to all the algorithms available in this package
chaincon/homgvf0.h [code]Homology gradient vector field computation: Algorithm 0, very slow
chaincon/homgvf1.h [code]Homology gradient vector field computation: Algorithm 1, new version, but still without computing the transpose of the projection
chaincon/homgvf2.h [code]Homology gradient vector field computation: Algorithm 2, new version, with computing the transpose of the projection (faster)
chaincon/homgvf3.h [code]Homology gradient vector field computation: Algorithm 3, using the SNF
chaincon/pair.h [code]A pair of elements
chaincon/simplex.h [code]A simplex class with arbitrary vertices
chaincon/stringhash.h [code]Hashing keys for std::string