CHAINMAP. Copyright (C) 1998-1999 by Marcin Mazur and Jacek Szybowski.
This is free software. No warranty. Consult 'license.txt' for details.

The algebraic algorithm was chosen

Reading multivalued map... 100 % 

Completing dimension 6...
    Calculating domain...  100 % 
    Completing domain...   100 % 

Completing dimension 5...
    Calculating domain...  100 % 
    Completing domain...   100 % 

Completing dimension 4...
    Calculating domain...  100 % 
    Completing domain...   100 % 

Completing dimension 3...
    Calculating domain...  100 % 
    Completing domain...   100 % 

Completing dimension 2...
    Calculating domain...  100 % 
    Completing domain...   100 % 

Completing dimension 1...
    Calculating domain...  100 % 
    Completing domain...   100 % 

Completing dimension 0...
    Calculating domain...  100 % 
    Completing domain...   100 % 

Writing a chain complex... 100 % 

Calculating dimension 0... 100 % 

Calculating dimension 1... 100 % 

Calculating dimension 2... 100 % 

Calculating dimension 3... 100 % 

Calculating dimension 4... 100 % 

Calculating dimension 5... 100 % 

Calculating dimension 6... 100 % 

Calculating dimension 7... 100 % 

Writing a chain map...     
    Writing dimension 0... 100 % 
    Writing dimension 1... 100 % 
    Writing dimension 2... 100 % 
    Writing dimension 3... 100 % 
    Writing dimension 4... 100 % 
    Writing dimension 5... 100 % 
    Writing dimension 6... 100 % 
    Writing dimension 7... 100 % 

Time used: 131570 sec (36.5 hours) out of 131767 sec (36.6 hours).
CNVCHMAP, ver. 0.06. Copyright (C) 1999-2002 by Pawel Pilarczyk.
This is free software. No warranty. Consult 'license.txt' for details.
Reading Cy from 'vpol7.dy'...
Reading Cx and the map from 'vpol7.dat'...
Completing boundaries within Cx...
Writing Cx to 'vpol7.chx'...
Completing boundaries within Cy where needed...
* There were 939662 cells added!
Writing Cy to 'vpol7.chy'...
Writing the map to 'vpol7.chm'...
The conversion of the chain map finished. Thank you.
Time used: 1733 sec (28.9 min).
HOMCHAIN, ver. 2.05+. Copyright (C) 1997-2002 by Pawel Pilarczyk.
This is free software. No warranty. Consult 'license.txt' for details.
Reading a chain complex from 'vpol7.chx'...
Reading another chain complex from 'vpol7.chy'...
Reading a chain map from 'vpol7.chm'...
Time used so far: 236 sec (3.9 min).
The ring of coefficients is the ring of integers.
Computing the homology of the chain complex...
Reducing D_7: 799 + 15 reductions made. 
Reducing D_6: 9137 + 127 reductions made. 
Reducing D_5: 27761 + 16039 reductions made. 
Reducing D_4: 56646 + 53434 reductions made. 
Reducing D_3: 76316 + 78724 reductions made. 
Reducing D_2: 59326 + 56642 reductions made. 
Reducing D_1: 24973 + 10994 reductions made. 
H_0 = Z
H_1 = Z
Computing the homology of the other chain complex...
Reducing D_7: 799 + 15 reductions made. 
Reducing D_6: 6844 + 2420 reductions made. 
Reducing D_5: 22643 + 21157 reductions made. 
Reducing D_4: 58060 + 52020 reductions made. 
Reducing D_3: 102896 + 52144 reductions made. 
Reducing D_2: 74187 + 41781 reductions made. 
Reducing D_1: 25382 + 10585 reductions made. 
H_0 = Z
H_1 = Z
The map in homology is as follows:
Dim 0:	f (x1) = y1
Dim 1:	f (x1) = y1
Total time used: 840 sec (14.0 min).
HOMCUBES, ver. 3.01, 11/29/02. Copyright (C) 1997-2002 by Pawel Pilarczyk.
This is free software. No warranty. Consult 'license.txt' for details.
Reading the domain of the map from ''... 814 cubes read.
Reading the image of the map from ''... 814 cubes read.
38269 bit fields allocated (10 MB) to speed up full-dimensional reduction.
Reducing full-dim cubes from X... 590 removed, 224 left.
Reading the image of the map from ''... 0 cubes read.
Reading the map restricted to cubes in X from ''... Done.
Computing the image of the map... 570 cubes.
Expanding B in Y... 0 cubes moved to B, 814 left in Y\B.
Reducing full-dim cubes from Y... 244 cubes removed.
75 bit fields were in use.
Transforming X into a set of cells... 224 cells created.
Collapsing faces in X... ....... 367016 removed, 2344 left.
Note: The dimension of X decreased from 7 to 1.
Transforming Y into a set of cells... 570 cells created.
Adding to Y boundaries of cells in Y... 704130 cells added.
Creating the map F on cells in X... 15714 cubes added.
Creating a cell map for F... .. Done.
Creating the graph of F... . 8188 cells added.
Transforming Ykeep into a set of cells... 570 cells created.
Computing the image of F... 5569 cells.
Collapsing Y towards F(X)... ....... 0 cells removed, 704700 left.
Creating the chain complex of the graph of F... . Done.
Creating the chain complex of Y... ....... Done.
Creating the chain map of the projection... Done.
Vertices used: 28505 of dim 7, 4094 of dim 14.
Time used so far: 408 sec (6.8 min).
Computing the homology of the graph of F over the ring of integers...
Reducing D_1: 0 + 4093 reductions made. 
H_0 = Z
H_1 = Z
Computing the homology of Y over the ring of integers...
Reducing D_2: 0 + 88640 reductions made. 
Reducing D_1: 17768 + 10391 reductions made. 
H_0 = Z
H_1 = Z
The map induced in homology is as follows:
Dim 0:	f (x1) = y1
Dim 1:	f (x1) = -y1
Total time used: 500 sec (8.3 min).
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