Paweł Pilarczyk
I am a semi-full professor ("profesor uczelni" in Polish) at
Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland,
Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics,
Institute of Applied Mathematics,
Division of Differential Equations and Applications of Mathematics.
I am also a member of the
Digital Technologies Center at Gdańsk Tech.
E-mail: Pawel.[my familyname] [at]
My research interests
are in Computational Mathematics,
and focus on algorithms for constructive algebraic topology
(mainly homology computation, see
CHomP software),
and algorithmic analysis of dynamical systems
using combinatorial algorithms and algebraic topology tools
(the Conley index in particular).
You are welcome to find out more details about myself
in my Curriculum Vitae:
[ CV in English ]
[ CV in Polish ]
If you prefer to go directly to something more informal,
click the following link:
[ Fun Stuff ]
Note: Some information at this website may be slightly outdated,
especially my photographs; some highlights of my most current research
might also be missing.
I do apologize for any confusion this might be causing.