Notatki z przygotowywania dysku PyDebian dla studentów na zajęcia:
- Topologiczna analiza danych
- Zaawansowane programowanie
- Inżynieria oprogramowania
- Hurtownie danych

Paweł Pilarczyk, styczeń 2021 r.; uaktualnienie: lipiec 2022 r.

- tensorflow wymaga nowszej wersji pip3 (w Debianie 10 jest wersja 18.1)
- w Debianie 11 nie ma pakietu "python-wxgtk3.0",
  więc nie da się uruchomić programu

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager:
- computer type: 32-bit Debian, 3 GB RAM, 4 CPUs
- HDD 8 GB
- Bridged Network Adapter may not work if using Wi-Fi, so it is useful to set up
  port forwarding in order to be able to access the guest system through SSH,
  e.g. Network / Advanced / Port Forwarding / SSH-TCP-2200-22); for details

Installation disk downloaded from Debian 10.7.0 i386 (32-bit) NetInst ISO

Install / Polski

Nazwa hosta: pydebian
Nazwa domeny: home

hasło roota: stu321

Pełna nazwa użytkownika: Student PG
nazwa użytkownika w systemie: student
hasło: stu123

Partycje: brak przestrzeni wymiany, całość na / [8.6 GB]

Podstawowe składniki środowiska graficznego Debiana
+ XFCE + serwer druku + serwer SSH

Programy / Ustawienia / Ekran: 1280x800
Programy / Ustawienia / Mendżer zasilania / Ekran / Zarządzanie zasilaniem ekranu: Nigdy

/sbin/adduser student sudo
apt install mc zip arj unar git

apt remove --purge 'libreoffice*'
apt clean
apt autoremove

sudo apt install g++
sudo apt install printer-driver-cups-pdf
sudo apt install jupyter-notebook python-seaborn python3-seaborn
sudo apt install cython3 cython
sudo apt install cmake libboost-dev
sudo apt install libboost-thread-dev libboost-chrono-dev
sudo apt install python-pip python3-pip
sudo apt install python3-openpyxl python-openpyxl
sudo apt install python-cssselect python3-cssselect python-html5lib python3-html5lib
sudo apt install python-wxtools python-opengl python3-opengl
sudo apt install python3-jupyter-core python-jupyter-core
sudo apt install python3-jupyter-client python-jupyter-client
sudo apt install python3-jupyter-console python-jupyter-console

sudo apt install jupyter spyder spyder3
sudo apt install python-sklearn python3-sklearn
sudo apt install pyqt5-dev

# unattended upgrades:
sudo apt install unattended-upgrades
dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades

# VirtualBox Guest Additions - install linux headers first:
sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
# and then follow these instructions:
# specifically: Devices / Insert Guest Additions CD Image
cd /media/cdrom
# eject the disk; restart the system

# for GUDHI:
#sudo apt install python3-gudhi
#sudo apt install gudhi-utils libgudhi-dev libgudhi-doc libgudhi-examples
# NOTE: This is an old version (2.3 or something like that),
# so I installed version 3.1.1 of GUDHI instead of this one,
# following the instructions in the file gudhi_install.txt, copied here:
sudo apt install libcgal-dev libtbb-dev libeigen3-dev python3-sklearn
sudo apt install libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-test-dev python3-sphinx
sudo apt install libqt5opengl5-dev libqglviewer-dev-qt5
sudo pip3 install pymanopt autograd POT ipyparallel
#sudo apt install python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-matplotlib python3-pybind11 cython3 python3-pytest
#sudo pip3 install torch pykeops eagerpy nhswlib tensorflow
tar xzf gudhi.3.1.1.tar.gz
cd gudhi.3.1.1
mkdir _build
cd _build
cd python
python3 install --prefix /home/student/.local
# (and then delete the .tar.gz file and the build directory to save disk space)

# for examples in TDA tutorials:
mv /home/student/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/
mv /home/student/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages

# for CHomP:
# download, then: mkdir chomp; cd chomp; unzip ~/Pobrane/chomp-full; make target=unx
# add at the end of .bashrc: export PATH=$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/chomp/bin:$PATH

# for Dionysus2
sudo pip install --verbose dionysus
sudo pip3 install --verbose dionysus

# for Ripser
sudo pip install --verbose ripser
sudo pip3 install --verbose ripser

# for Mapper:
sudo apt install graphviz
sudo pip3 install fastcluster
sudo pip3 install mapper
sudo pip3 install cmappertools
sudo pip install fastcluster
sudo pip install mapper
sudo pip install cmappertools

# for
sudo apt install python-wxgtk3.0 python-opengl

# for Kepler Mapper
sudo apt install python3-networkx python-networkx

# create the folder "programy" (and then open it at the desktop)
mkdir /home/student/Pulpit/programy"
# (afterwards, copy two sample programs to that folder)

# for PHAT
sudo apt install pybind11-dev python-pybind11 python3-pybind11 libomp-dev
sudo pip3 install --verbose phat
sudo pip install --verbose phat

# scikit-tda 1.0.0 (this package didn't install with pip from python2)
sudo pip3 install scikit-tda

# Note about the error messages "[drm:vmw_host_log [vmwgfx]] *ERROR* Failed to send host log message."
# This is a bug in a certain Linux kernel module. See:

# for CAPD and cmgraphs (may be useful in the future):
sudo apt install mc g++ pkg-config graphviz cmake doxygen time
sudo apt install libpng-dev zlib1g-dev liblapack-dev libboost-dev libbz2-dev
sudo apt install apache2 php libapache2-mod-php

# before compressing the VDI file:
sudo apt clean
sudo cat /dev/zero > zero
sudo rm zero