./runhenon -p 2132419 --log t2132419.log --quiet
Start time: Mon Apr 12 23:30:14 2010
Finite Resolution Dynamics - computations for the Henon attractor.
Ver. 0.01, April 12, 2010. Copyright (C) 1997-2010 by Pawel Pilarczyk.
This is free software. No warranty. Consult 'license.txt' for details.
--- Running computations for the Henon map. ---
Parameters of the Henon map: a = 1.4, b = 0.3.
Phase space box: (-1.4,1.4) x (-0.5,0.5).
Number of cover elements: 2132419 x 761578 = 1.62400339718e+12.
Size of each box: 1.3130627705e-06 x 1.31306313995e-06.
Area of each box: 1.72413432439e-12.
Computing a cover of the attractor...
A cover consisting of 161448094 elements (0.00994136430257%) constructed.
Computed in 4813 sec (1.3 hours) out of 4819 sec (1.3 hours).
Approximate area of the cover: 0.000278358200472.
Max square of the diameter of map images: 9.9999771425e-11.
Approx. max diameter of map images: 9.99998857124e-06.
The map graph has 789923794 edges.
Releasing the cover from the memory...
Memory released in 1.80 sec (0.030 min) out of 18 sec (0.3 min).
Checking if the graph is strongly connected...
Yes! The graph is strongly connected.
Verified in 340 sec (5.7 min) out of 1354 sec (22.6 min).
Checking if the graph is aperiodic...
Good! The graph is aperiodic.
Verified in 2.43 sec (0.040 min) out of 13 sec (0.2 min).
--- The computations completed successfully. ---
Total time used: 5158 sec (1.4 hours) out of 6206 sec (1.7 hours).