This page gathers links related to the subject of computational algebraic topology. These links are ordered alphabetically.
CAPD - Computer Assisted Proofs in Dynamics - a group that gathers mathematicians and computer scientists interested in rigorous approach to numerics of dynamical systems, which also includes algorithms computing topological invariants, in particular algorithms computing homology of topological spaces, and homomorphisms induced in homology by continuous maps.
CHA - Computational Homological Algebra (National University of Ireland, Galway) - a group that is designing and implementing mathematical algorithms for studying homological properties of discrete algebraic structures such as groups, monoids, Lie algebras and homotopy types.
CHomP - Computational Homology Project (Rutgers University) - a project aimed at the development of software for efficient homology computation of cubical sets.
CompTop - Applied and Computational Algebraic Topology (Stanford University) - a comprehensive project with an overall goal to develop flexible topological methods which will allow the analysis of data which is difficult to analyze using classical linear methods.
Computational topology - a page in Wikipedia on the subject. - a site for people doing computational stuff with low-dimensional topology, by Nathan Dunfield.
RedHom - a software library for efficient computation of the homology of sets (a subproject of CAPD).
Note: If you know of some other websites whose addresses might be worth including here, please, contact the webmaster of this website by email and suggest a short description, like the ones above.