The Conley-Morse Graphs Software
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NcustomCustomizable settings that are supposed to be modified and/or chosen by the user of the software
 NdifferenceParameters for a sample difference equation in R^2 with 2 parameters
 CSpaceOffsetTypeAn imitation of an array which returns the offset of the rectangular area in the phase space which contains the invariant sets of interest
 CSpaceWidthTypeAn imitation of an array which returns the width of the rectangular area in the phase space which contains the invariant sets of interest
 NduffingParameters for the Duffing equations
 NglobclogParameters for the globally coupled logistic maps
 CSpaceOffsetTypeAn imitation of an array which returns the offset of the rectangular area in the phase space which contains the invariant sets of interest
 CSpaceWidthTypeAn imitation of an array which returns the width of the rectangular area in the phase space which contains the invariant sets of interest
 NharvestingParameters for a population model with harvesting
 NhenonParameters for the Henom map in R^2 with 2 parameters
 CSpaceOffsetTypeAn imitation of an array which returns the offset of the rectangular area in the phase space which contains the invariant sets of interest
 CSpaceWidthTypeAn imitation of an array which returns the width of the rectangular area in the phase space which contains the invariant sets of interest
 NInfModelParameters for the two coupled quintic Vanderpol maps
 NlorenzParameters for the Lorenz time-t map with 3 parameters
 CSpaceOffsetTypeAn imitation of an array which returns the offset of the rectangular area in the phase space which contains the invariant sets of interest
 CSpaceWidthTypeAn imitation of an array which returns the width of the rectangular area in the phase space which contains the invariant sets of interest
 Nneuron09Parameters for sample computations for the 2-dimensional Leslie population model with 2 varying parameters
 Nneuron12Parameters for sample computations for the 2-dimensional Leslie population model with 2 varying parameters
 Nneuron25Parameters for sample computations for the 2-dimensional Leslie population model with 2 varying parameters
 NnoKnownIndicesDummy version of a function for the computation of Conley indices of Morse sets which fail the isolation condition
 NnoProcMorseDecDummy version of a function for the post-processing of Morse decompositions
 NperiodicParameters for sample computations for a 2-dimensional periodic map
 CSpaceOffsetTypeAn imitation of an array which returns the offset of the rectangular area in the phase space which contains the invariant sets of interest
 CSpaceWidthTypeAn imitation of an array which returns the width of the rectangular area in the phase space which contains the invariant sets of interest
 Npop2demoParameters for sample computations for the 2-dimensional Leslie population model with 2 varying parameters
 Npop2pParameters for sample computations for the 2-dimensional Leslie population model with 2 varying parameters
 CSpaceOffsetTypeAn imitation of an array which returns the offset of the rectangular area in the phase space which contains the invariant sets of interest
 CSpaceWidthTypeAn imitation of an array which returns the width of the rectangular area in the phase space which contains the invariant sets of interest
 NpopOriginInd2dCustomized version of a function for the computation of Conley indices of Morse sets which fail the isolation condition
 NprocMorseDecExitPost-processing of Morse decompositions by means of cycle decomposition
 NprocMorseDecHarvPost-processing of Morse decompositions for the harvesting model
 NprocMorseDecShapePost-processing of Morse decompositions by means of cycle decomposition
 NprocRecurrencePost-processing of Morse decompositions by recurrence quantification
 NroesslerParameters for the Roessler time-t map with 2 parameters
 NsaveMorseDecDummy version of a function for the post-processing of Morse decompositions
 NstandardmapParameters for sample computations for the Standard Map
 NtwocircParameters for sample computations for the 2-dimensional Leslie population model with 2 varying parameters
 NtwotorusParameters for sample computations for the 2-dimensional Leslie population model with 2 varying parameters
 NvanderpolParameters for the Vanderpol map with 2 parameters
 CSpaceOffsetTypeAn imitation of an array which returns the offset of the rectangular area in the phase space which contains the invariant sets of interest
 CSpaceWidthTypeAn imitation of an array which returns the width of the rectangular area in the phase space which contains the invariant sets of interest
 NwhalesParameters for sample computations for the 2-dimensional Leslie population model with 2 varying parameters